December 2024
Upcoming picture book with Nicolette Sowder @awilderchild is being published in Penguin Random House @penguinrandomhouse. It’s about relationship inbetween the wildness of nature and the children. It is so inspirable to get an idea how we live with the whole universe. Don’t be afraid to be wilder!
The book is available for pre-order now through the link in my bio.
Preorder links

Book Fair info
19 June - 23 June 2019
B hall 17h Koex Seoul, South Korea
Attending at ‘Seoul International Book Fair 2019’ at Koex hall in Seoul. It is the biggest publish event in South Korea. I am with Yellow Imagination Books.
서울 국제 도서전에 참가합니다. B홀의 노란상상 부스에서 책을 만나보실 수 있습니다.

mid April 2019
Relesing the first drawing book [The Forest of The Night] in Seoul, South Korea.
2년전 작업한 첫번째 책, [밤의 숲]이 4월 중 노란상상 출판사에서 출간됩니다. 외할머니를 잃으며 느꼈던 생각을 글과 그림으로 담았습니다. 많은 관심과 기대 부탁드립니다.

15 Febrary - 3 March 2019,
Asian Unit Show 2019 at Wall. Seoul in Seoul, South Korea
Attending as an artist in the ‘ASIAN UNIT SHOW 2019’
한국은 물론 대만, 일본 그리고 태국 등을 기반으로 활동하는 개성 강한 14명의 작가들이 “서울 SEOUL”에 모였습니다. 각 작가가 바라보는 서울에 대한 시선을 에디션 프린트의 형태로 담아낸 전시, <Asian Unit Show 2019, SEOUL>이 성수동에 위치한 @wall.seoul 에서 개최됩니다. 10장의 limitied edition, high quality prints를 준비했습니다.
오프닝 리셉션: 2월 15일 금요일 오후 7시
월서울(wall.seoul) 서울시 성수동 성수이로 65 1층
문의: 또는 02-466-8082

Exhibition info
19 January 2019 - 24 Febrary 2019
AFTM Gallery, Brisbane
I participate in the group show ‘Lunar Down Under, Asian Art 2019’ at the AFTM gallery in Brisbane.

Art Festival info
4 November 2018 10am-2pm, Netherworld, Brisbane
Attending at ‘Brisbane Comic and Arts Festival’ at Netherworld in Brisbane.

Exhibition info
7-20 June 2018, Dmbankment Galleries, Sumerset House, London
The picture of [The forest on the night] shortlisted will be the part of the show in London.

Shortlist info
One of the picture of the children’s book [The forest of the night] has been shortlisted by the jury for the World Illustration Awards 2018.

1. Febrary. 2018
Williom Jolly bridge projecting show
14 - 18 Febrary 2018, 28 Febrary - 4 March 2018
My artwork ‘The forest of the night 2017’ will project to the Williom Jolly Bridge in Brisbane for two times during the BrisAsia festival 2018. The image is extracted from a picture book that I wrote and drew recently. It is about the death of a grandmother who lost everything and comes back to the house of the children as a reincarnated bird. Graphite on watercolour paper, Digitally coloured.

9. November. 2017
I participate in as an artist out of 20 local artists at the LONE GOAT SHOW, Byron bay. From 10.Nov.2017 to 29.Nov. 2017.

featuringLuka Carstens-Hey, Meredith Cusack, Michael Cusack, Franco Girardi, Brent Hallard, Sem Han, Emily Imeson, Christine James, Jess Leitmanis, Anne Leon, Mahala Magins, Jay Manby, Tabitha McGregor, Kim McLean, Paul McNeil, Potts, Caitlin Reilly, Craig Rochfort, David Sparkes, Myo Yim
10 - 29 November 2017
Opening 6 - 8PM Friday 10 November

Paul McNeil Lone Goat Gallery Logo Artwork 2017